All CMPL locations will be CLOSED Sat., May 25-Mon., May 27 for Memorial Day. Access our digital downloads for items while we're closed. We will reopen on Tues., May 28.

Used Book Sales

Used Book Shelves South Branch imageONGOING USED BOOK SALES
Please visit the Friends of the Library Used Book Sale during regular library hours if you are in need of gently used books for adults, young adults, teens, and children:

  • The ongoing sale is self-serve and located in the lobby of the Main Library. There are also shelves at the South Branch. Both locations also include CDs, DVDs, games and puzzles.
  • Books are available on shelves at the North Branch.
  • Cash or check are the accepted payments at the ongoing sale.

We offer a permanent display of fiction and non-fiction items. Some of the genres include mystery, fiction, non-fiction, romance, horror, sci-fi/fantasy, art and entertainment, home and garden, crafts, cookbooks, history, religion, medical, self-help, classics, biography, education, science, animals, and children’s selections. Stop in and see what we have to offer, and make it a regular stop on your trips to the library.

The Friends group also raises funding for the libraries through their online Amazon Online Sales store front. You will discover approximately a thousand new and gently-used books, CDs, and DVDs available for sale and delivery to your residence through the U.S. Postal Service. This collection is updated daily with additional offerings.
